
Air Conditioners: Through the Wall Installation

Posted on June 14, 2021 By Pat D - Director of Training

Here's how to install an air conditioner in a wall. The first thing you want to determine is how thick your wall is, the distance from the inside of the home to the outside of the home, including the studs, the sheet rock, and whatever type of material you have on the outside of your home. All these factors will come into play in selecting the proper air conditioner. This Wall Air Conditioner is what we call a window-wall slide out chassis air conditioner. And that means that this air conditioner can go into a window, or it can be installed through a wall like you see here. For a through the wall air conditioner installation, it's quite simple. The first thing you would do is you remove the grill from the air conditioner. This is going to expose what we call the chassis, or the guts of the air conditioner. The guts of the air conditioner simply slide right out of the sleeve, which is the metal housing that is installed through the wall. You'll notice the vents on the side of the air conditioning. These vents are there so the air conditioner can breathe. These vents cannot be blocked in any way. If you happen to have a brick fascia on the outside of your home, it will start to block the vents, causing the air conditioner to improperly function. If you have a cinder block construction, you're blocking even more of those vents. These vents cannot be blocked in any way. ith this type of construction on the outside of your home, I would recommend a true through the wall air conditioner.