Bosch Power Adaptor for Dryers

Bosch Power Adaptor for Dryers
About this Item
Dryer Adaptor 240V; NEMA 14-30P to 6-15R
3.4(w) X 5.0(h) X 2.2(d)
Shipping Weight
5 lbs
Rated 2 out of
Discerning New Yorker from
Unnecessary wrinkle for installing washer and drye
The Bosch washer used to plug into the Bosch dryer, and then the dryer plugged into a 240v socket in the wall. This was my original set up when I bought my initial stacked Bosch machines in 2004. However today, both the Bosch washer and the Bosch dryer need to plug into that single 240v wall socket, hence the need for the adapter. Not only was this change by Bosch unnecessary, but the adapter is around 2.25 inches thick, meaning the area where you have your stacked machines needs to be a few inches wider than it had to be with your old machines. It was an extremely tight fit in my closet with the adapter but eventually it worked out. Because these are narrow machines for small spaces, Bosch should not have made this change, requiring an adapter.
Date published: 2024-10-07
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