P.C. Richard & Son P.C. TECH

Smart Home Support
Expert guided learning. Get smart about your home.
Technical Support
- Integrate multiple devices, including smart TVs, smart appliances and all smartphone products
- Installation/configuration phone support
- Performance & wireless connectivity support
- Device compatibility guidance
- 1 year of premium technical phone support (unlimited smart home devices per household)
- 365 days a year, 24 hour support
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Computer Support
Let us help with the setup of your computer. P.C. Richard & Son will help
1 Year Premium Technical Support
- Provide 1 Year Technical Support
- Remove viruses and spyware
- Setup and secure your wireless network
- Move data from your old computer to your new computer
- Setup automatic backup with your local storage
- Connect and configure your computer
- Delete unwanted start-up programs
- Install third party applications
1 Year Premium New Computer Technical Support
1 Year Premium Existing Computer Technical Support

New computer optimization
- Enable security features
- Update computer with latest operating system patches
- Remove trial based software
- Clean up desktop icons
- Improve computer boot up by removing any unnecessary startup programs
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New tablet setup
Let our friendly and knowledgeable support professionals teach you how to:
- Set-up your tablet with a 30 minute consultation
- Get you connected to the internet via WiFi
- Sync your file from your tablet to your pc
- Access your email
- Reset your device
- Cut copy and paste for experts
- Take screenshots
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Remote wireless network setup
- Configure your wireless network for optimal internet connectivity
- Configure your local network area
- Set up your SSID
- Secure your network
- Assist with parental controls if included on the router firmware
- Set the router password
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Backup & assist annual subscription service
Let our friendly and knowledgeable support professionals:
- Setup automatic remote backup to the “Cloud” with 25GB of remote data storage. Just set and forget it.
- Encrypt your data for privacy
- Assist when it’s time to restore your data
- Train you to restore your data with a click of a mouse.
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