Gas vs Electric Dryer: What's the Difference?
Posted on October 24, 2017 By Alison P
Buying a new appliance like a dryer can be exciting ("So many choices!"), but nerve-racking ("So... many... choices."). A common dilemma is trying to understand the differences between a gas dryer and an electric dryer. Questions about efficiency, affordability, and maintenance for each are probably at the forefront of your mind. We're happy to guide you through those concerns to bring you to the perfect dryer choice! By the time you get to the bottom of this page, you'll have a clear idea of the best type of clothes dryer for your home.
Which Dryer is Easier to Install?
Your best bet for a dryer may depend just as much on practicality as it does personal preference. Is your home already connected to a gas line? If not, are you planning on making the connection to gas in the near future? Is gas available in your neighborhood in the first place? Even if your home is already gassed up, you'll need a professional contractor to safely install a gas line into your laundry room and properly vent your dryer, which can end up being both costly and time-consuming. If you would prefer a gas dryer and you've got the money, the time and the means, then go for it! If not, an electric dryer is right for you. Although electric dryers are available in vented and ventless models, both styles require a 220v outlet. If the chosen spot for your future electric dryer is not outfitted with this type of connection, a professional electrician will need to install one.
Which Type is More Affordable?
The answer to this question depends on whether you're more concerned about upfront cost or long-term savings. If you're looking to save money on the dryer itself, an electric dryer is the more economical option. However, while a gas dryer is more expensive up front, gas tends to be cheaper than electricity per kWh. If you're more concerned about long-run spending, and both types of dryers are a possibility for your home, go with gas.
Which is More Efficient?
Dryers are one of the highest energy-consuming appliances in your home, so efficiency is an important factor when weighing your options. In this particular face-off, gas dryers are the clear winner - air heated through gas combustion is less humid than air heated electrically, which translates to quicker heating and a faster drying time.
Which Style is Lower Maintenance?
If you're looking for the most low-maintenance option, a ventless electric dryer (also known as a condenser dryer) is the way to go. Any vented dryer - electric or gas - requires regular cleaning of lint from its ducts to prevent a fire hazard. In addition, a gas dryer needs to be vented outside due to the potential danger of carbon monoxide buildup inside the home. Professional dryer installation and regular cleaning of lint traps and ducts are easy precautions that can be taken to ensure worry-free dryer operation. However, a careless installation or neglect of regular upkeep can lead to dangerous conditions caused by your dryer. If you're a hands-off kind of person, the ventless electric dryer is the ideal choice for you.
No matter which style of dryer ends up being your winner, you'll find exactly what you're looking for when you shop P.C. Richard & Son! With a wide-ranging inventory of gas and electric dryers with different features, dimensions and price ranges, you're sure to find the exact dryer to suit your needs. Shop P.C. Richard & Son today, enjoy finding your new dryer, and don't forget the fabric softener!