How to Clean Your Weber Charcoal Kettle Grill
Posted on April 30, 2020 By Alison PSpring is here! The birds are singing, the pollen is settling, and grills everywhere are shedding their covers to spend time in the sun. Grilling season has finally begun, but there's a bit of spring cleaning to do before you fire up for your next backyard barbecue
What we're working with
Time and again, those of us at PC Richard & Son turn to Weber grills for the perfect grilling set up. Quality is key - Weber grills are made with high grade steel, have long lasting burners, and top-quality grates. Today, we're demonstrating the proper grill cleaning technique with the Weber Kettle Charcoal Grill, one of our family favorites!
What you need to get started
- (2) buckets or bowls One for cleaning solution One to catch drippings
- Dish soap (in the bucket)
- Nonabrasive rag and sponge
- Plastic putty knife or silicon spatula (flat edge)
- Stainless steel grill brush or steel wool
- Gloves

How to Clean a Weber Kettle Charcoal Grill...
As a reminder, before cleaning your grill, make sure it is completely cool.
- Remove the lid and "guts" of the grill - remove cooking grate, char baskets, and charcoal grate.
- Brush these off with a grill brush before removal to remove debris.
- Wash grates and char baskets with warm soapy water, wipe clean
- Use OneTouch cleaning system to clear out ash and debris
- Scrape your putty knife or spatula along the sides of the grill to remove the build up of extra grease at the bottom of the bowl and on the inside of the lid
- Remove and empty the ash catcher and add a bowl below to catch the drippings
- Using warm soapy water and the sponge, clean the inside of the bowl and lid
- Remove the dirty water bowl and replace your ash bucket
- Replace charcoal grate, char baskets and cooking grate
- Use the clean rag to wipe down the outside of the grill
Watch Instructional Video to Learn How to Clean Your Kettle Grill
Extra: How to clean a grill cover
- Remove any large debris from the grill cover
- Hose down the grill cover to blast off any easy to remove debris
- Wipe all the remaining dirt, dust, or food bits with a cloth. Wash with (you guessed it) warm soapy water
- Rinse and allow to dry completely before re-covering
Note: Make sure your grill cover is completely dry before re-covering! Leftover moisture can transfer to the grill, encouraging rust.
Now that your charcoal grill is clean, you're all set to make your favorites - personally, we're big fans of steak and veggies, with grilled peaches for dessert. You won't need to deep clean for another six months, as long as you're sure to remove large debris after every use. Enjoy!
Looking for a grill of your own? Take a look at our grill buying guide to find which set up is right for you.
Full Video Transcript:
Hey guys, Kelsey Highcamp here one of weber's grill masters sending much love from Denver Colorado. I'm right with ya at home. I'm practicing social distancing. Over the next couple of weeks, I wanted to share some tips and tricks, and recipe videos. I thought it would be the perfect time to talk about spring cleaning, not only your home, but obviously your grill. So, we're going to tap into how to deep clean your grill today and have some fun in the backyard.
The supplies are super simple. The first thing we'll need is a bucket, we'll need some dish soap, a non-abrasive rag and sponge A plastic putty knife is great to use or if you don't have it grab a silicone spatula, a bucket to catch all the drippings, and finally, gloves.
Let's add a tad of dish soap with some warm water and remember a little goes a long way.
Alright guys, we got all our supplies ready. Let's go see what's going on in the backyard.
So first and foremost, you're probably wondering "why do I need to deep clean my grill?"
There're two main reasons.
- The first one, is you want this grill to last a lifetime. If you give it a nice deep clean once to twice a year, this grill should stand the test of time.
- The second reason you want to clean your grill is over time it accumulates grease. This grease can cause a disruption of your airflow and it can cause flare-ups. So by deep cleaning it, we're ensuring that none of that happens.
The first step is gonna be removing the guts of the grill. We're then going to use the OneTouch Cleaning System to clear out the ash. For the build-up of all the extra grease that's stuck at the bottom of the bowl, this is where the putty knife will come in handy. The plastic is non-abrasive and you just give it a nice scrape it and it comes right off. Use the putty knife to remove the build-up of oxidized grease on the lid. Remove the bottom ash bucket and add a bowl below to catch the drippings.
The next step is going to be cleaning the inside of the bowl in the lid. Using the warm soapy water and the sponge, get it there and get it nice and clean. Remove the dirty water bowl and replace the ash bucket. Now that that inside of the grill is clean, replace charcoal grate, char baskets and cooking grate.
The final step is getting the outside of your bowl and lid clean. You can use the rag from earlier to give it a nice wipe down.
I'm a happy camper because my grill is clean. Thanks for tuning in guys. Check us out next week for more tips and tricks and stay safe out there.