RCA DHCOMF HDMI Composite Adapter

RCA DHCOMF HDMI Composite Adapter
About this Item
Type of Accessory
Cable and Wiring Accessory
Audiovox DHCOMF Black, HDMI Composite Adapter, Converts Digital HDMI Video To Analog Component Video, Ideal For Televisions & Displays Without HDMI Ports.
Shipping Weight
1 lb
Rated 5 out of
George from
How I use this device.
Great device easy to connect and use.
I am capturing cell phone live screens onto analog devices old school (from the 90s technology). It also required a USB to HDMI cable from the phone.
Date published: 2020-01-18
Rated 1 out of
Ausanbee from
Not compatible?
Purchased to connect my karaoke machine to my Samsung tv that only has hdmi connections. It didn’t work. :( I guess it is not compatible. I purchased online to pick up at the store.
Date published: 2019-02-18
0 Questions
I have an older TV with only 2 RCA-in jacks ... 1 for video and 1 for audio. Will this adapter still work? Which 2 of the 3 RCA connectors would need to be connected to the TV? I want to connect a Firestick to the older TV.
No idea. This was bought for someone else.
Date published: 2020-12-04
If this converts HDMI to the yellow, red, white thing, does it go the other way around?
I use it for my car stereo, so that I can stream movies on trips. Takes HDMI signal,and drops down to 480p...as far as I know,this will not up convert 480p to HDMI quality. It may however allow the signal to pass from a outdated source,to a newer device. Quality obviously will not be good though.
Date published: 2019-08-05