RCA Outdoor HDTV Rooftop/Attic Antenna

RCA Outdoor HDTV Rooftop/Attic Antenna
About this Item
Type of Accessory
Get all of your favorite local stations for free with this outdoor antenna that has a compatibility with a 110 boom length to boost additional FM, UHF and VHF signals. This is the best antenna to fit in your home and it's easy to install and will last through rough weather conditions for years to come. Also includes 36 easy lock elements to improve signal reception and a outdoor 75 ohm matching transformer. Imagine all of the local channels you will surf through with the 65 mile radius this RCA antenna holds.
15.8(w) X 14.0(h) X 4.1(d)
Shipping Weight
3 lbs
0 Questions
is this antenna wireless?
This is not wireless - all necessary installation pieces are included: 16' coax cable, mast, mounting bracket, and mounting hardware.
Date published: 2023-08-03