
P.C. Richard & Son Stores in Central Jersey, NJ

Save on Appliances and Electronics in Central Jersey

Why spend your time visiting a different store for appliances, electronics, and mattresses when you can find it all at your local P.C. Richard & Son store? Our wide selection includes everything you need to bring added comfort, convenience, and high-tech fun to your home.

Check out any one of our Central Jersey locations to discover innovative and efficient appliances, powerful air conditioners, TVs, premium mattresses, and more. With all the top brands and our low-price guarantee, we make it easy to find what you're looking for, for less.

Holiday hours vary during holiday season. Please visit the individual store location pages for updated hours.

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East Brunswick

327 NJ-18
East Brunswick, NJ 08816


501 Route 28 Suite 2
Raritan, NJ 08869


1515 Route 22
Watchung, NJ 07060


885 St. Georges Avenue
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
Temporarily Closed please visit Carteret or East Brunswick


2264 Route 22
Union, NJ 07083


90 State Route 36
Eatontown, NJ 07724

Save on Appliances and Electronics in Central Jersey

Why spend your time visiting a different store for appliances, electronics, and mattresses when you can find it all at your local P.C. Richard & Son store? Our wide selection includes everything you need to bring added comfort, convenience, and high-tech fun to your home.

Check out any one of our Central Jersey locations to discover innovative and efficient appliances, powerful air conditioners, TVs, premium mattresses, and more. With all the top brands and our low-price guarantee, we make it easy to find what you're looking for, for less.

Holiday hours vary during holiday season. Please visit the individual store location pages for updated hours.