What Can You Do with a Smart Plug?
Posted on September 05, 2018 By Alison P
Do you feel a little overwhelmed by the wave of smart-home technology? Perhaps you're put off by Smart Speakers, or you're too low-maintenance for Smart Lighting. We know not everyone gets swept up by new technology, but enjoying some basic smart home benefits doesn't have to be a complicated ordeal. A great way to make your first foray into smart home technology is a Belkin WeMo smart plug. This device utilizes your home's Wi-Fi network to allow wireless control of anything you plug into it, including lights, appliances, electronics, and more. Here are some of the ways a smart plug can make your life a little easier!
Optimize Your Morning Routine
There's no shame in admitting you're not a morning person. If you wish your weekday mornings looked less like an obstacle course and more like an orange juice commercial, why not look to a smart plug to help your day start more smoothly? Maybe your biggest hurdle is getting out of bed in a timely manner ("I'll just rest my eyes for one more minute"). The simple act of illuminating your surroundings can be a big help in motivating you out from under the covers, and a smart plug makes this incredibly easy to do. Simply set your WeMo to turn on your bedroom lights at the same time your alarm goes off, and you'll get an extra-bright push to get up and get going. Another way a smart plug can help is with your favorite morning beverage. Time and money spent at a coffee shop every weekday quickly adds up, but investing in a smart plug makes it easier than ever to make coffee at home. Prepare your coffee maker with water and your chosen grounds, then schedule your WeMo to start brewing while you're still waking up. If you're more of a tea person, you can use a smart plug on an electric kettle and have boiling water ready to go the moment you step into the kitchen.

Maybe your biggest morning issue is arriving to work and immediately second-guessing whether you remembered to shut off the toaster oven/iron/hair straightener. With a smart plug, you've got the perfect failsafe: simply plug your most anxiety-inducing small appliances into the WeMo, and if you start to worry about having left any of them on, just use your smartphone to shut off the power.
Make Your House Look Occupied
Are you looking to make your home more secure, but want to keep it low-maintenance? Automating your lights with a WeMo plug is an easy way to make it happen. Plugging your lamps into smart plugs allows you to create the illusion that someone's home by switching lights on and off at random or predetermined intervals. Whether you're working late, away on vacation or just enjoying a night out, you'll be able to relax more knowing you've got a WeMo to make it look like someone's home.
Enforce a Gaming Curfew
Maybe you've recently conceded that you and your Xbox could stand to see less of each other. If you need help with limiting your nightly games of Fortnite, a smart plug is a great tool to have in your arsenal. You can plug your console into a WeMo, then program it to cut power at a scheduled time every night. When you know there's a hard deadline looming, you'll be sure to wrap up your gaming quickly and efficiently, no matter how close you were to that Victory Royale last round.
Cut Down on Standby Power
If you're a stickler for energy conservation, we've got another great application for your smart plug. You may be familiar with the term "standby power," which refers to the phenomenon of power being leached by plugged-in electronics or appliances while they are not in use. Your TV, stereo, cable box, or gaming console are some of the most common culprits. With the WeMo, you can "unplug" these appliances from anywhere whenever you know they won't be in use. Use your phone to switch off the TV outlet when you know you're going to be away for an evening, or shut off the power to your stereo when you leave on a vacation. You can also program the smart plug to switch on and off at certain times; for instance, powering off outlets during the hours you're asleep can make a difference in your power consumption. With the WeMo, you'll save electricity that you didn't even know you were using!

Now that you know some easy ways to utilize smart home automation, why not get your own smart plug and give it a try? The WeMo Mini's space-saving design doesn't block other receptacles on a standard duplex-style outlet, so it's easy to add multiple smart plugs in one room, and their small build makes it easy to test out on different devices throughout your home. You don't have to be tech-savvy to enjoy smart home conveniences - if you've got WiFi and a smart phone, automating your home is well within reach.