Whirlpool LP Conversion Kit for Dryers

Whirlpool LP Conversion Kit for Dryers
About this Item
LP Conversion Kit for Whirlpool / Maytag Classic Top Load Gas Dryers with lint screen on top
.1(w) X .1(h) X .1(d)
Shipping Weight
1 lb
Rated 1 out of
Monte J from
Conversion Kit on Factory back order
I bought a Maytag washer and gas dryer and have tried finding a gas conversion kit, finally got someone that could tell me the correct kit required and it is on factory back order. The issue is the blocking pin in other kits are smaller thread size and the pin is too long. Why would you redesign a burner assembly and no plan on having the redesigned blocking pin? Very disappointed to have to wait for the correct kit to be available!
Date published: 2023-02-03
Rated 1 out of
Dealer from
Selling dryers without conversion kits
Whirlpool knew about this months ago. I brought it to their attention in November. They had the wrong kit listed for the dryer WGD5050LW and STILL have the same, wrong kit listed. This is the kit you will need, but they don't exist. They won't be producing them until at least March. Good luck with the dryer that you cannot use.
Date published: 2023-01-30
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